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We wish you a Ksiva V'chasima Tova and look forward to joining with you for a meaningful season of spiritual growth!

📖 Selichos begins: Motzei Shabbos - Saturday night, September 9, 2023
🍯 Rosh Hashanah: Friday evening - Sunday, September 15-17, 2023
Yom Kippur: Sunday evening - Monday, September 24-25

Education + Inspiration
In 2020, at the height of COVID, we presented a remarkable all-day program called "12 Hours of Teshuva" featuring dynamic international and local speakers. The program was viewed by thousands! Click here to listen to recordings from our lineup of world-renowned speakers.

Our Chazzan Yonasan Gavant has recorded a selection of Yamim Nora'im tunes available for digital listening here.


  • To sign up for the High Holiday Experience Learner's Service, click here.
  • Shofar will be blown throughout the neighborhood on Rosh Hashanah (times and locatioins listed in the Rosh Hashana flyer).
  • Selichos will begin Motzei Shabbos, September 9, 2023 at 12:15am, and will be preceded by a special Selichos Inspiration talk by Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman at midnight. 

Youth & Childcare Program
We plan to offer a full High Holiday Childcare and Youth program! Check back mid-August 2023 for registration link. 

This year we will be running a central Yamim Nora'im Campaign, which includes Kol Nidrei appeal, honors/sponsorships, and more. 

Lulav / Esrog
Lulav & Esrog sets may be ordered in advance through the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. Pickup will be at the ASK Minim Market in Heritage Hall at Beth Jacob, date and time TBA. 

Events & Classes 5784

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784