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A Taste of The Awe: Highlights of the Yamim Noraim Davening at BJ
With Beth Jacob Chazan Yonasan Gavant & Pianist Yehudah Levine
1 Hour video of many highlights of the nussach and piyutim


Play & Download Songs


Elul Songs by Chazan Gavant



  1. CLICK HERE for the traditional Hayom Haras Olam+ Areshes Sifoseinu by MBD
  2. CLICK HERE for Haven Yakir Li by D'veykus
  3. CLICK HERE for another recording of Kachomer (same tune that we use)
  4. CLICK HERE for L'maancha by Eitan Katz
  5. CLICK HERE for a beautiful version of Yaaleh (Selicha for night of YK) by MBD
  6. CLICK HERE for the famous Vahaviosim El Har Kodshi that we use
  7. CLICK HERE for a newer tune for Vahaviosim by Aarale Samet
  8. CLICK HERE for the traditional Avinu Malkeinu

Also see here for many more beautiful tunes for Rosh Hoshanah, Yom Kippur, and all the Yomim Tovim.

Beautiful new album of Yamim Noraim music by Naftali Kempeh: CLICK HERE

Lyrics And Translation

Click this link to enlarge and print, or view below:

Nothing stirs the neshama like the sounds and melodies of the Yamim Noraim davening. Here at Beth Jacob, we are privileged to have exceptional and dedicated Chazzanim who have developed a special sound and style.

Over the past several years, in an effort to familiarize the community - both new and longtime members - with our unique blend of melodies, Chazan Yonasan Gavant, together with Chazan Ari Leifer, has prepared recordings of many Tefillos that we sing on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

These songs are available to stream above on this page, on our Soundcloud Page, and on Spotify.

By listening and familiarizing yourself with these melodies ahead of time, we hope you will feel more connected to the davening when you encounter them in shul. Of course, they are also a good way to help us get in proper frame of mind as we approach the holiest days of the year.

Wishing you and your family a Kesiva V’Chasima Tova!

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785