Fast of the Firstborn
Are you a firstborn? Would you like to honor or remember one? Become a sponsor of the Fast of the Firstborn Siyum & Breakfast by filling out the form below.
The Fast of the Firstborn is Erev Pesach, Monday, April 22. We will host a siyum at each of our 5 Shacharis minyanim, followed by a breakfast seudah served in Heritage Hall.
Sat, January 25 2025
25 Teves 5785
Dr. Aaron & Miriam Cann
in memory of Aryeh Lev ben Yehuda & Yosef Binyamin ben Avraham Chaim-Leopold Cann & George Topas—two heroic first borns.
The Schoen Family
in loving memory of Rabbi Michael Kramer on his first yahrzeit.
Dr. Barry & Mindy Zisholtz
in memory of their fathers, Gershon ben
Chiul Dovid and Nissan ben Alter, z"l.
Yisrael & Chava Herscovici
Jack & Pam Williams
in honor of our first born son Matt and Matt and Amy's first born son Emmett. Jack and Pam Williams (also first borns)
Dr. Tzvi & Devorah Caplan
in memory of their beloved Uncle Herbert Setlen, Chaim ben Eleazer z"l, who died 14 Nissan 5721, March 31, 1961.
David & Dr. Helaina Jaffe
in honor of Melech, our bechor.